姓名:Aimal Khan
2014.09-2018.07 华中科技大学化工学院 博士
2018.09-2021.05 华中科技大学环境工程学院 博士后
2021-至今 必赢626net入口首页 校聘副教授
个人简介:长期从事锰基催化材料的设计合成,构建了基于过硫酸盐和亚硫酸盐活化体系降解多种有机污染物,研究环境污染物的降解机理,发表了35篇研究论文,被引用超过2700次(H-Index 27 -Google Scholar),主持科技部外国青年项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金2项,担任Molecules(ISSN 1420-3049)的客座编辑。
1. Aimal Khan, Habib Ullah, Qinghong Wu, Wenqiang Gong, Lu Ma, Shuaiqi Zhao, Aihua Xu, Xiaoxia Li*. Efficient degradation of organic contaminants in aqueous media using oxygen vacancy-rich MnO catalyst via peroxymonosulfate activation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 472: 145112.
2. Aimal Khan, Xianjie Feng, Chuankun Yin, Habib Ullah, Asif Ali Tahir, Bowen Li, Weiming Wang, Xiaoxia Li, Aihua Xu*. Mn2O3@Mn5O8 as an efficient catalyst for the degradation of organic contaminants in aqueous media through sulfite activation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 299: 121717.
3. Aimal Khan, Kaikai, Zhang, Peng Sun, Honghui Pan, Yong Chen, Yanrong Zhang*. High performance of the A-Mn2O3 nanocatalyst for persulfate activation: Degradation process of organic contaminants via singlet oxygen. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2021, 584: 885-899.
4. Aimal Khan, Kaikai Zhang, A. Taraqqi-A-Kamal, Xiaoguang Wang, Yong Chen, Yanrong Zhang*. Degradation of antibiotics in aqueous media using manganese nanocatalyst-activated peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021, 599: 805–818.
5. Aimal Khan, Huabin Wang, Yong Liu, Ali Jawad, Jerosha Ifthikar, Zhuwei Liao, Ting Wang, Zhuqi Chen*. Highly Efficient α-Mn2O3@α-MnO2-500 nanocomposite for peroxymonosulfate activation: Comprehensive investigation of manganese oxides. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6: 1590-1600.
6. Aimal Khan, Shuhua Zou, Ting Wang, Jerosha Ifthikar, Ali Jawad, Zhuwei Liao, Ajmal Shahzad, Audrey Ngambia, Zhuqi Chen*. Facile synthesis of yolk-shell Mn2O3@Mn5O8 as an effective catalyst for peroxymonosulfate activation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20: 13909-13919.
7. Aimal Khan, Zhuwei Liao, Yong Liu, Ali Jawad, Jerosha Ifthikar, Zhuqi Chen*. Synergistic degradation of phenols using peroxymonosulfate activated by CuO-Co3O4@MnO2 nanocatalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 329: 262-271.
8. Qiaohui Gao, Habib Ullah, Zidong Ming, Shuaiqi Zhao, Aihua Xu, Xiaoxia Li, *, Aimal Khan*. Synergistic degradation of p-nitrophenol using peroxymonosulfate activated with a bimetallic Mn3O4-Cu2O catalyst: Understanding the strong interactions between metals oxides. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, under review.
9. Zehua Zeng, Aimal Khan, Zixuan Wang, Mengmeng Zhao, Wanling Mo, Zhuqi Chen*. Elimination of atrazine through radical/non-radical combined processes by manganese nano-catalysts/PMS and implications to the structure-performance relationship. Chemical Engineering Journal, 397, 2020, 125425.
10. Kaikai Zhang, Aimal Khan, Peng Sun, Yu Zhang, A. Taraqqi-A-Kamal, Yanrong Zhang*. Simultaneous reduction of Cr(VI) and oxidization of organic pollutants by rice husk derived biochar and the interactive influences of coexisting Cr (VI). Science of The Total Environment, 706, 2020, 135763
11. Chuankun Yin, Aimal Khan, Qiaohui Gao, Quan Li, Xiaoyun Zhou, Xiuying Liu, Aihua Xu*, Xiaoxia Li*. Synergistic activation of peroxymonosulfate for efficient aqueous p-nitrophenol degradation with Cu(II) and Ag(I) in Ag2Cu2O3, Separation and Purification Technology, 291, 2022, 120934
12. Kaikai Zhang, Peng Sun, Aimal Khan, Yanrong Zhang*. Photochemistry of biochar during ageing process: Reactive oxygen species generation and benzoic acid degradation, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 765 :144630.
13. Peng Sun, Kaikai Zhang, Jianyu Gong, Aimal Khan, Yu Zhang, Md. Suzaul Islama, Yanrong Zhang. Sunflower stalk–derived biochar enhanced thermal activation of persulfate for highly efficient oxidation of p-nitrophenol, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26: 27482–27493
14. YuZhang, Honghui Pan, Muthu Murugananthan, Peng Sun, DionysiosD. Dionysiou, Kaikai Zhang, Aimal Khan, Yanrong Zhang*. Glucose and melamine derived nitrogen-doped carbonaceous catalyst for nonradical peroxymonosulfate activation process, Carbon, 2020, 156: 399-409.
15. Yuzhou Shen, Zedong Zhu, Xiaoguang Wang, Aimal Khan, Jianyu Gong, Yanrong Zhang. Synthesis of Z-scheme g-C3N4/Ag/Ag3PO4 composite for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of phenol and selective oxidation of gaseous isopropanol, Material Research Bulletin, 2018, 107: 407-415.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Heterogeneous Catalysis for Environmental Applications, Nanomaterial Synthesis, Characterization of Catalysts, Catalytic Oxidation, Oxidation-Reduction, Environmental Pollutant Degradation, Wastewater Treatment, Advanced Oxidation Processes, etc.
He has published more than 35 research papers and has been cited more than 2700 times (H-Index 27 -Google Scholar). He successfully synthesized several novel manganese-based catalysts, evaluated the catalytic efficiencies of transition-metal oxides, constructed efficient systems for the degradation of various organic pollutants in the lab, and planned to develop further innovation to treat organic contaminants in actual industrial wastewater. It was found that Mn-based nanostructure catalysts exhibited significant stability and reusability for peroxymonosulfate or sulfite activation to degrade organic pollutants. He is the Guest Editor of Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049).