E-mail: slhong@whu.edu.cn
2012年9月—2018年6月,武汉大学分析化学, 博士
主要从事微流控芯片中多物理场的调控及其微纳结构加工用于生化检测、多功能纳米材料合成,纤维基检测试纸条开发以及便携化仪器搭建等方面的研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、湖北省自然科研基金、湖北省教育厅自然科学基金、湖北省重点实验重点项目、必赢626net入口首页国家级项目培育项目等项目。在Analytical Chemistry, Biosensors & Bioelectronics,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Analyst,Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 等国际国内权威杂志上发表论文近20篇。申请和授权发明专利多项,多次在国际国内学术会议获奖,指导多名研究生获得国家奖学金及竞赛获奖。
1. 国家自然科学基金,22204123,三维磁基微流检测平台的构建及其在多种呼吸道病毒即时检测中的应用,2023-01至 2025-12,在研,主持;
2. 湖北省自然科学基金,2022CFB1002,双信号多组分微流检测平台构建及其在流感病毒分型中的研究,2022-12至2024-12,在研,主持;
3. 湖北省教育厅,Q20211702,自动化编码芯片对多种冠状病毒的一步检测,2021-01至2022-12,在研,主持;
4. 湖北省重点实验室重点项目,STRZ202205,纺织基微芯片开发及用于呼吸道疾病的即时检测,2022-12-08至2024-12,在研,主持;
5. 必赢626net入口首页国家级培育项目,武纺大科[2019]5号,基于磁性和尺寸介导的微流控芯片同时检测多种流感病毒;2019-10至2021-12,结题,主持;
6. 必赢626net入口首页博士启动基金,20200828,自动化编码的微流控芯片同时检测多种流感病毒,2021至2022,结题,主持;
7. 必赢626net入口首页大学生大创项目(省级),20210100057,微型化病毒检测装置搭建及其研究,2021至2022,结题,指导老师;
8. 必赢626net入口首页大学生大创项目(省级),S202210495028,磁基微流控芯片中肿瘤外泌体的高灵敏检测,2022至2023;在研,指导老师;
1. Shao-Li Hong, Meng-Fan Zhang, Xuan Wang, Huihong Liu, Man Tang*, Wei Li *,Magnetic-based Microfluidic Chip: A Powerful Tool for Pathogen Detection and Affinity Reagents Selection, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2023.
2. Hong, S.-L.; Yu, Z.-L.; Bao, Z.-H.; Zhang, Q.-Y.; Zhang, N.; Tang, M.; Liu, S.-Q.; Jia, J.; Liu, K., One-step detection of oral ulcers and oral cancer derived exosomes on wedge-shaped and high magnetic field gradient mediated chip. Sens. Actuators B-Chem. 2022, 357, 131403.
3. Tang, M.; Chen, J.; Lei, J.; Ai, Z.; Liu, F.; Hong, S. L.*; Liu, K. *, Precise and convenient size barcode on microfluidic chip for multiplex biomarker detection. Analyst 2021, 146 (19), 5892-5897.
4. Hong, S. L.; Zhang, N.; Qin, L.; Tang, M.; Ai, Z.; Chen, A.; Wang, S.; Liu, K., An automated detection of influenza virus based on 3-D magnetophoretic separation and magnetic label. Analyst 2021, 146 (3), 930-936.
5. Wang, S. #; Hong, S.#; Cai, S.; Lei, J.; Chen, J.; Zhang, N.; Ai, Z.; Liu, K.; Tang, M., Negative depletion mediated brightfield circulating tumour cell identification strategy on microparticle-based microfluidic chip. Journal of nanobiotechnology 2020, 18 (1), 70.(共一)
6. Wang, S.; Ai, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Tang, M.; Zhang, N.; Liu, F.; Han, G.; Hong, S. L.*; Liu, K.*, Simultaneous and automated detection of influenza A virus hemagglutinin H7 and H9 based on magnetism and size mediated microfluidic chip. Sens. Actuators B-Chem. 2020, 308, 127675.
7. Hong, S. L.; Xiang, M. Q.; Tang, M.; Pang, D. W.; Zhang, Z. L., Ebola Virus Aptamers: From Highly Efficient Selection to Application on Magnetism-Controlled Chips. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91 (5), 3367-3373. (X-MOL媒体报道)
8. Hong, S. L.; Wan, Y. T.; Tang, M.; Pang, D. W.; Zhang, Z. L., Multifunctional Screening Platform for the Highly Efficient Discovery of Aptamers with High Affinity and Specificity. Anal. Chem. 2017, 89 (12), 6535-6542. (X-MOL媒体报道)
9. Hong, S.-L.; Zhang, Y.-N.; Liu, Y.-H.; Tang, M.; Pang, D.-W.; Wong, G.; Chen, J.; Qiu, X.; Gao, G. F.; Liu, W.; Bi, Y.; Zhang, Z.-L., Cellular-Beacon-Mediated Counting for the Ultrasensitive Detection of Ebola Virus on an Integrated Micromagnetic Platform. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90 (12), 7310-7317.
10. Zhang, R. Q.#; Hong, S. L.#; Wen, C. Y.; Pang, D. W.; Zhang, Z. L., Rapid detection and subtyping of multiple influenza viruses on a microfluidic chip integrated with controllable micro-magnetic field. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2018, 100 (Supplement C), 348-354.
11. Hong, S.-L.; Tang, M.; Chen, Z.; Ai, Z.; Liu, F.; Wang, S.; Zhang, N.; Liu, K., High-performance multiplex microvalves fabrication and using for tumor cells staining on a microfluidic chip. Biomed. Microdevices 2019, 21 (4), 87.
12. Liu, F.; Wang, S.; Lu, Z.; Sun, Y.; Yang, C.; Zhou, Q.; Hong, S.; Wang, S.; Xiong, B.; Liu, K.; Zhang, N., A simple pyramid-shaped microchamber towards highly efficient isolation of circulating tumor cells from breast cancer patients. Biomed. Microdevices 2018, 20 (4), 83.
13. Hou, Y. H.; Wang, J. J.; Jiang, Y. Z.; Lv, C.; Xia, L.; Hong, S. L.; Lin, M.; Lin, Y.; Zhang, Z. L.; Pang, D. W., A colorimetric and electrochemical immunosensor for point-of-care detection of enterovirus 71. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2018, 99, 186-192.
14. 向梦琦; 洪少力; 董浩宇; 庞代文; 张志凌, 核酸适配体在微流控芯片中筛选及病毒性疾病中应用. 分析科学学报 2019, (06), 753-758.
15. Tang, M.; Liu, F.; Lei, J.; Ai, Z.; Hong, S.-L.; Zhang, N.; Liu, K., Simple and convenient microfluidic flow rate measurement based on microbubble image velocimetry. Microfluidics Nanofluidics 2019, 23 (11), 118.
16. 洪少力; 庞代文; 张志凌, 磁控微流控芯片的研究现状及应用. 分析科学学报 2016, 32 (6), 877-884.
17. Tang, M.; Wen, C. Y.; Wu, L. L.; Hong, S. L.; Hu, J.; Xu, C. M.; Pang, D. W.; Zhang, Z. L., A chip assisted immunomagnetic separation system for the efficient capture and in situ identification of circulating tumor cells. Lab Chip 2016, 16 (7), 1214-23.
18. Guo, P. L.; Tang, M.; Hong, S. L.; Yu, X.; Pang, D. W.; Zhang, Z. L., Combination of dynamic magnetophoretic separation and stationary magnetic trap for highly sensitive and selective detection of Salmonella typhimurium in complex matrix. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2015, 74, 628-36.
(1) 洪少力,秦莉,张泽芬,张琴韵,汤曼,张南刚,刘侃,一种病毒检测传感器、一种检测病毒浓度的装置和方法,中国专利,申请号201910798075.1
(1) 洪少力,陈锦耀,张琴韵,汤曼,张南刚,刘侃,一种宽尺度磁性材料同时分离捕获的微流控芯片,中国专利,申请号201911295589.1
(2) 李伟;胡玉江;高超;熊金艳;田迪;洪少力;高昭;曹雅茜,改性葫芦[n]脲-壳聚糖复合气凝胶珠及其制备方法和应用,中国专利,申请号CN202210900013.9
1. 必赢626net入口首页2022年度优秀个人;
2. 必赢626net入口首页2021本科教学质量二等奖;
3. 必赢626net入口首页2021党支部优秀党员;
4. 必赢626net入口首页第一期青年教师师德师风培训优秀学员;
5. 获武汉大学2018学术创新奖;
6. 获2014 National μTAS-NationalMSB-ICM&MSB.最佳墙报奖;
7. 获 2016 NationalμTAS-National MSB-ICM&MSB方肇伦优秀青年报展奖;
8. 获2017第二届生物医学分析化学教育部重点实验室研究生学术论坛一等奖。